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Grand Prix horse sold to USA makes new owner happy

Grand Prix horse sold to USA makes new owner happy

Grand Prix gelding Rubens by Rifaisos was recently sold to adult amateur in New York

13 year old Rubens was one of our favorite test rides this year. Beautifully trained by French international Grand Prix rider Nicole Favereau, he was recently added to our sales catalogue. 

Only one week after our team tested the horse and made promotion video/photos, the horse was sold to America sight unseen. Both Camille and Corentin tested the horse and approved of his excellent character and high quality.

After several conversations over the phone with the buyer, we strongly recommended this horse as the perfect match. We provided numerous videos of training, grooming, hacking, competition and supervised a complete vet check. We also provided support to organise import to New York.


Now fully settled in his new life, it was a great pleasure to receive such good news of this gorgeous 13 year old gelding :

"Hello Camille, I just finished my third ride on Rubens. I could not be happier. His canter is truly amazing. He shows no sign of spooking and he is very responsive to my aids. You did a great job finding this horse for me. Thanks again." 


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